sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015


The big rectangle in the centre of the figure represents the taxon THERIA. It is divided by three vertical lines. The green lines separate Marsupialia, EUTHERIA and Pholidota. The lighter line separate EUTHERIA in ARBOREA and TERRESTRIA. The blue triangle represents the complex relationships between Archonta and Ferungulata. The V shape figure in red represents the evolutive link between Caecoidea and Zalambdodonta through Erinaceoidea. Caecoidea+Erinacoidea form a monophyletic group, the HYPOCONODONTA (sister to Zalambdodonta). Erinaceoidea has no cecum like Zalambdodonta, Pholidota and Xenarthra (PRETHERIA). The loss of the cecum is a derivative character, a CECUM is present in part of the Eutheria, Marsupialia, Prototheria (Monotremata) and in reptiles. Zalambdodonta and Pholidota has incomplete zygomatic archs (a derivative character). The Xenarthra after genetically and spatially isolated, originated animals extremely similar to Pholidota. I am speaking about Pilosa, particularly the anteaters. The low frequency genes have expressed. Through artificial selection men selects characters. But THE NATURE selects gene sets. So it may take a little longer in order that certain "sets" appears and survive. Theory of the Allometric Fractals.

"Why the synapomorphies are crutches ?
Because mosaic distributions are the "RULE" and 
NOT the exceptions !
Why there are always apparent conflicts that end up needing PARSIMONY ?
Because this is the face of the Nature.
Distributions of the characters are not dichotomous.
Dichotomous are our thought, our methods".

 3 evolutionary steps in Xenarthra. The paedomorphic evolution. 
Comparison of serial bones in Xenarthra, Monotremata and Crocodylia. 
Palatines, pterygoids and auditory apparatus.


What happened in the evolution of Mammals ? A transformation ? The quadrate "originated" incus ? or a recuperation of a embriological inductive path ?

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