quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2015

The importance of a broad understanding in an EVOLUTIONARY STUDY.

When I perform a work in zoology, I always look for an understanding. A biogeographic view, integrated with the ecological history of a specific group.
Many studies are currently conducted in this area of phylogenies and evolution, but they seek only a cladogram with the end result, without any interpretation or association with biogeography.
We have to show the changes that occur over an evolutionary process. But also explain the forces that promoted these changes. We have to integrate all this in an environmental context, involving all the surroundings. Otherwise the ideas do not close into an understanding.

When I did my cladogram of Metazoa. I got an integrated understanding. An ecological evolution !

1) The structure of Priapulida - a new ecological approach.
2) Sediment Eaters and Filter Feeders, by far the major forms of life in the oceans.
3) As expected the Coelomata divided into Filter Feeders and Sediment Eaters.

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